Terms & Conditions
The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to make clear some aspects of ordering, working together and the payment process, and to give the client an overview and information with respect to good business behaviour and respect towards each other.
For the information collected about you, please visit Privacy Statement page.
- Content
- Who is Milan.Media
- Basic terms
- Project order
- Complaint
- Intellectual property, Copyright & Legal issues
- Payments and Refunds
Who is Milan Media?
‘Milan dot Media’ is name registered by Milan Lipowski who operates as an individual and as a freelancer with registered business with headquarters in Prague, Salmovska street 1693/6, Czech Republic with ID: 76636445 and in Banovce nad Bebravou, Druzstevna street 615/4, Slovak Republic with ID: 43512488.
The freelancing licences permitted by government for my business activities are:
- Production, trade and services not specified in Annexes 1 to 3 of the Trade Act,
- Publishing, printing, binding and copying
- Production, reproduction, distribution, sale, rental of audio and audio-visual recordings and blank media production data and alerts
- Brokering activities in trade in the range of free trade
- Providing software, consulting in information technology, data processing, hosting and related activities and web portals
- Graphic design of printed and electronic publications
- Rent ad space on Web pages
- Advisory and consultancy, preparation of expert studies and reports
- Testing, measurement, analysis and control
- Advertising, marketing, media representation
- Business advice in items of business
- The commercial market research and public opinion polling
- Photographic services
- Translation and interpreting (any language)
Details can be found in public government registers in the Czech Republic here and the Slovak Republic here.
Basic definitions
For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions:
‘Project’ is a service, or group of requested services, plans and /or goals to create a presentation. Thus, for any of the services provided by Milan Lipowski (web design, web development, photography and others) the word Project will be used.
‘Web design’ is graphic layout usually with typography. ‘Typography’ is the style and positioning of text.
‘Web hosting’ is a place, where data files are physically stored which are necessary for a website to function. This data includes, for example, images, videos, programming scripts and other files. You can choose the Country and company location for your web hosting, based on availability.
‘Domain name’ is a web site address of anything dot something. ‘Domain registrar’ is a third party Company registering domain names.
‘Wordpress’ is a ‘Content Management System’ (CMS). This system is completely free including with right to use it. For any additional and necessary work to run WordPress, such as providing domain name and web hosting services, including installation and customising, security improvements, design/theme/template installation and customising, fees will apply.
‘Design’ is the visual look of website, video footages, photographs, fonts and other visible elements.
‘Theme’ and ‘Template’ refer to a pre-made design. Nowadays a ‘Theme’ can include advanced applications and features for building a design. Milan Lipowski prefers to build up a custom-made design for specific client needs.
‘Video spot’ provided by Milan Lipowski is a short video mainly for promotion and advertising purposes. Usually it is not longer than 3 minutes. The video can be made by Milan Lipowski or provided by third party companies, depending on the client needs.
Photographs are static images. ‘Stock photographs’ are photographs, bought with a licence for use from third party companies; ‘stock videos’ or ‘stock footages’ are videos, or short movies also from third party companies, if they are not made by Milan Lipowski.
‘Software’ and ‘Applications’ means functional scripts in any programming languages with variable functions, an example is software where the application is newsletter system.
‘SSL’ stands for Secure Socket Layer. Part of a Project can be a ‘SSL Certificate’. It is the digital verification and encryption of the connection between you and a website. An SSL certificate can also be provided for your web site by a registered Certificate authority.
Project order
Client can make a project order in any way; the preferred way is by email. Written agreement is not requested, but available on request.
Client will get individual price quote with an outline of the scope of the work. If Client accepts the quote, the process will continue. If Client does not agree, the process will be stopped.
Client will provide all necessary information for a project, eg requested theme, description of his/her business or ideas, requests for project functions, requested colours, text, images, etc.
Client can have three design-change requests.
For a web site project Client has to provide all necessary login details to web hosting services if he/she has them, at least login credentials for database management and FTP for purpose of CMS installation. If client doesn’t have these credentials, he/she will need to order web hosting services. Milan Lipowski will provide consultancy services on this aspect without charge.
If Client approves the new design, this design will be installed into the existing or new system.
Orders for CMS installation only
Client needs to provide all necessary login details to web hosting services, at least database management information and ftp and pay the deposit. When installation the process is finished, Client will get username and password to the system administration area.
Web site updates only order
Client can also order only website updates. For updates fee contact Milan Lipowski with a request for price quote; also provide details.
Orders for domains and web hosting
Client can order domain and web hosting services in his or her name with third party companies; or Milan Lipowski will order this service for Client in the name of Client. Client will pay invoices based on the terms and conditions of this third party company.
Orders for photography/videography Projects
Client will provide necessary requests and description of theme and or subject of photography or videography, description of interior/exterior, usual light and weather description, description of requested visual scene, and Client will provide text, images and own video for making video spot(s). After, the photo/video of postproduction of the final product(s) will be sent to client by email, ftp or direct download link.
Orders not specified
If Clients is requesting any administrative work or technical work not specified in these Terms and Conditions, fees may apply. Please refer to the price list.
Milan Lipowski cannot be responsible for issues of third party services, eg domain management, domain name registrars and web hosting services. Client will report any issue directly to service provider as soon as possible. Milan Lipowski is also not responsible for third-party issues created by Client, but is happy to help, where possible.
Any functionality issues caused by Client will be fixed at the rate applicable for updates. See the page Pricing please. Small issues can usually be fixed free of charge.
Milan Lipowski is responsible for design issues, CMS installation, and functionalities, such as animations, a properly working contact form, correct links to other subpages and so on. Issues are fixed free of charge.
Intellectual Property, Copyright & Legal issues
Milan Lipowski takes intellectual property rights seriously. If anybody finds IP violation, please report it immediately to me by email using the Contact Form.
All content provided for Client’s Project will be licensed with lifetime right of use. Printing, mass distribution, reselling and anything other than web use is covered by Extended Licences only. Please, contact Milan Lipowski for more information.
Milan Lipowski has responsibility for the legal content only to the moment when Client gets full control over the Project.
Each website created by Milan Lipowski is signed with the sentence ‘Web design services by MILAN MEDIA’ with an active link to this website opening in new browser window or tab. This signature can be removed by request. It is usual business protocol to keep it.
Some content (eg stock photography, video footage, applications, software etc.) can be licensed for use for Milan Lipowski only, and if this type of content has been used for Client’s project, Client has right to use it free of charge, but cannot copy and/or redistribute to third parties, nor use it for any other purposes than web use. Once this type of content has been transferred/used in/applied to Client’s project, Milan Lipowski cannot use this item, only if he obtains another licence for use from the item provider (eg stock photo agency).
Some content is licensed to third party companies: Adobe Stock, Shutterstock Inc., iStockphoto LP, Inc. by Getty Images, Envato Pty Ltd., Peopleimages.com and others and/or their contributors, but Client has licence for use, if this content has been provided by Milan Lipowski to Client or Client bought licence for use from these or other third party companies and/or contributors.
If anybody claims copyright violation against Client and this content has been provided by Milan Lipowski, Client must notify Milan Lipowski immediately for further action.
If any content provided by Client is in conflict with law (illegal content), human rights or standards of good human behaviour (eg violence, except official fighting sports) and Client refuses to withdraw such content, Milan Lipowski will end relations with this Client at any stage of process and all outstanding fees will immediately become due and payable.
Payments and Refunds
Payment transactions are realized over the PayPal Payment gate with credit/debit card acceptance (VISA, MasterCard, AMEX and Diners), PayPal account, direct bank transfer, phone or cash.
Client pays a deposit of 30% after approving the first part of the Project, except CMS installation where the deposit is 50%.
Yearly fees are charged by Milan Lipowski for domain name and web hosting only. Any other fees are once-only. Services provided by third party companies have their own rules, please, follow them.
If some work has been done with no price quote provided by Milan Lipowski, the maximum applicable fee is 10 EUR per hour.
Client will pay invoices as soon as possible, or within 7 working days.
Service limitation and/or disconnection and/or cancellation and/or deletion
If the provided invoice has not been paid within 10 days, or within the individual waiting period, the services will be limited or disconnected. If the services have been cancelled by a client, then the services will be discontinued including the deletion of all files, also as a part of privacy protection.
If the services have been limited and/or disconnected, restoration is charged at a fee of 90 EUR.
If the services have been cancelled and/or deleted, restoration is charged by a fee of 190 EUR.
To avoid any service interruption, invoices have always to be read and paid for on the due date at the latest.
Client can apply for refund in written form only; by email or by letter.
- Refund is not applicable, when Client reviewed the Project repeatedly, but then stopped communicating for longer than month for any reason.
- 70% deposit refund is applicable, when first Project preview has been approved and then client decided to cancel Project for any reason.
- Full deposit refund is applicable if work on Project did not start within 7 working days of receipt of deposit.
- If client stops the working process after 1st Project review, 50% refund will apply.
- Refund is processed within 30 days from email or letter delivery date.
Milan Lipowski,
in Prague, Czech Republic, on 5th March 2017