I don’t like blogging but I do it. You know, you never know

I don’t like blogging but I do it. You know, you never know …

Why blogging is important although you think it’s not? You are busy, but you should find some time for writing blog articles. It is all about marketing.

Some of my clients asked me to disable or delete their blog articles. OK I did it even though I don’t agree with that. Let’s sort out your time, why you should write articles and how often.

I am busy, I don’t have time

Somebody said an expression like Who’s saying ‘I don’t have a time’ is a liar. It is about priorities. It’s quite offensive, but I agree with the comment. People are happy to spent time with online chatting and social networks, but not able to spend 30 minutes to write an article. I have to say I am not always good with my own time management :-/

Why is your blog article important

Your website or eShop is found over search engines, eg Google, Yahoo and others. Search engines will index your pages and add them to search results. If your website has a lack of well keyworded content, you won’t get many visitors. In other words, you want your site visible and to do better than your competitors. Am I right?

Articles are a necessary part of marketing and marketing is important for your business and/or sales. A good short article is much better than nothing.

Also you never know who can share your article somewhere (it is a useful backlink improving your search result position) and when that article will be the impulse to get in touch and buy your services and products. Each chance is counts nowadays.

Publishing frequency

It is long time since I posted my last article. No need to do it regularly. Today I was in the mood for writing. The result has been 3 articles. I will publish them all at once. I will change publishing dates.

One will appear as published a month ago, second one today and the third one will have a scheduled publishing time in 3 weeks or so.

Have your blog

The content must be written. It must be user friendly, then it is SEO friendly too. Less is sometimes more. Definitely a blog is “very good to have”.