How to provide your content for website
When a new website is created or an existing website needs to be redesigned or updated, content must be provided. The question is: how?
Text Content
Please provide text content via email. It can be in the message directly or in an editable document. Please format the text so that it is clear what the main heading, subheadings, and paragraphs are.
Please DON’T USE CAPITALS; instead, write before the text ‘(CAPS)’. Uppercase font is formatted over CSS code. Check your writing style, spelling, and grammar. I use copy and paste, so what you send is what you will get.
Perhaps you will be surprised that web developers and designers do not read all texts. It’s a kind of quick technical and design examination of typography—how the headings look with the text block, and how the text elements visually work with the website.
How Much Text?
People do not read websites; they search for information unless your website is a newspaper. More content is better for search appearance in search engines. Write well-crafted and well-keyworded text; spend time on writing style. I know writing is boring, but it’s crucial to have well-described thoughts or products. Would you like to write long stories? A blog (or journal) is a great place for that.
Images and Photos
Some images, e.g., logos and icons, should be provided as SVG files. If you don’t know what that is, please send what you have. Preferable formats are AI, CDR, EPS, then PNG, and the worst (compressed) JPG. Photos should be provided as hi-res images. It means they should be large. Bigger is better. Please don’t do postproduction or cropping. You can always provide a note about what you want to do with the image. Product photos should be taken from a greater distance for a better and flexible website view on different devices (computer, tablet, phone). Good lighting is necessary. Don’t use apps for sending audiovisual content like audio files, videos, including images. These apps compress files, degrading their quality.
Audio and Video Content
Create audio and video content properly. For example, a podcast should be recorded in a place without noise or echo. Use a good-quality microphone. Find out information about improving space acoustically. Make videos with a good camera and microphone. Avoid shaky footage and bad sound.
Do It Better Than Your Competitor
Whatever you want to put on your website, it should look professional and follow your style or design guidelines. You have competitors, and I assume you want to be better than them.
Keeping it Simple
Everything can be uploaded to cloud storage, e.g., Google Drive, One Drive, Dropbox, etc.”