How to leave or change your web designer and/or web hosting provider
If you are not satisfied with your service provider, or you just need ‘new ideas’ from somebody else, you should follow these steps and everybody will be fine.
First of all, be honest and say Look, I would like to try somebody else. No need to build up drama or get too emotional.
To keep the story short, a web designer or web developer will be just a ‘Web Guy’ and if you are not familiar with some terms, you will find them on or just Google it.
Changing only the responsible person for web design and features
If you want a new Web Guy only, collect from your actual Web Guy access to:
- WordPress administration access,
- Database access,
- FTP access.
Your new Web Guy will be happy with that and can continue with website design, layout or programming new features. It’s quite easy, isn’t it?
If your actual Web Guy is also providing web hosting service (all in one), no problem. This person will be providing only web hosting service charged once per year (it’s like that everywhere). And you can have a new Web Guy from anywhere else for web design and features.
Changing the responsible person for web design and features AND web hosting service
Did you decide to leave for good? This is not complicated either, at all. If you follow these steps, it is a simple and smooth process.
Collect from your actual Web Guy access to:
- Domain name administration access,
- Web hosting administration,
- WordPress administration.
You can also ask for your data as a ‘take away’ package. Making a ‘take away’ package is work taking an average of one-two hours, so you can expect an invoice with a small hourly rate. This package will contain your website and mailbox with all emails. If you don’t ask for the ‘take away’ package, your new Web Guy will do the work with provided access.
Before cancelling your existing web hosting service you have to order a new web hosting service in a different company because you need new online space where you (or your new Web Guy) will put your online ‘data treasure’. And you are ready to go.
Your new Web Guy will set up new web hosting Name Servers under your domain name and load the existing website from your ‘take away’ package very quickly. Also your emails can be loaded into your mailbox over IMAP.
I guess your actual Web Guy is not an over-sensitive soul or an as**ole, so it won’t be rude to ask for help with relocating data. It’s just another kind of work, you can expect an invoice based on an hourly rate. How many hours it will take? It is dependent on size of your website, but it should not take longer than 4 hrs (dependent on internet connection speed).
I am always happy to help, that’s the way how I am.